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Python is an Interactive, Interpreted, Object Oriented, High-Level Scripting Language. Best features of Python are: 1. It is modular 2. Open Source 3. Dynamic Typing 4. Dynamic Memory Management 5. No License Fee 6. Platform Independent 7. Easy to Learn etc.

Basic Language Syntax Object Oriented Features in Python Exception Handling Regular Expression Testing Textfsm Virtual environment HTML parsing XML JSON DevOps Continuous Integration tool, Jenkins / GitLab CI Software Configuration Management)

This course is for Intermediate to Expert Level Developers. The participants should have prior exposure to Basic Python programming language. This training is suitable for all testers and programmers who want to get deep hands-on experience of Robot Framework and Selenium Automation Tester. The training is generic and useful for people working in any domain. The application under test in the hands-on exercises is web based, and participants thus get immediately useful skills for web test automation as a by-product.

Computer with the following software Operating System: Unix OS Ubuntu 16.04 / CentOS 7.0/ Window XP/Vista/7/8/10 python 3.7 on Anaconda Notebook Tools Sublime3 Text Editor ( Optional ) PyCharm Community Edition Python Library selenium library Web Browser ( Chrome / Firefox )

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