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This course offer Django framework ( MTV ) training with hands on session using Eclipse+Pydev Environment.

Some of the key skills you will gain upon completion of this program include: ▪ Basic Language Syntax ▪ Object Oriented Features in Python ▪ Exception Handling ▪ Regular Expression ▪ Working with inbuilt database support (SQLite) ▪ Web Technology using Django

The course coverage and pace would vary slightly, depending on the composition of the batch. If the training is for participants who are already familiar with some other object-oriented programming language, such as C++ or Java, the initial parts covering the basic language constructs as well as introduction to the OO concepts could be completed faster, and more time could be spent on some of the advanced aspects of the course. If the training is for a batch of participants who are new to any programming language, then even the basic language constructs would require more detailed explanation and practice work, and coverage of some of the later, advanced topics would be curtailed.

Computer with the following software Tool :Sublime Text Editor +Eclipse + Pydev Operating System: Ubuntu16.x or MacOS or Windows7/ 8/10. Python 2.7.12 or Anaconda Python 2.7.12 ( latest version ) Django 1.10.x MySQL Server5.6.x Connector

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