A Data Scientist combines statistical and machine learning techniques with Python programming to analyze and interpret complex data. This course will establish your expertise in data science and analytics techniques using Python.
Collecting data
Processing data
Exploring and visualizing data
Analyzing (data) and/or applying machine learning (to data)
Deciding (or planning) based on acquired insight
Machine Learning
Mathematical Modeling
Computer Programming
Lab Setup:-
Computer with the following software
Operating System: Red Hat Linux / Ubuntu/CentOS/ Windows ( Latest Version preferable )
Anaconda python 3.7 ( Latest Version preferable )
Python 3.7 version *
Set Up Python Path Environment on OS ( During Installation ). [ Shortest Path ]
Internet Access will be needed to install python third party library
Hardware :
RAM: Minimum 4GB / 8GB ( Recommended ).
Internet Connectivity. ( Needed to Install Packages and Run Anaconda Server ).
80 GB HDD.
Course Outline
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