What are the points we will cover in this documentation?
- First, we will do Trainer Registration in which a user can register himself/herself as a trainer and a learner can also register himself/herself as a trainer.
- After that an Admin will check trainer details through admin dashboard and give authorization to user to login as a trainer.
- In second step we will see after authorization how a trainer can create a course.
step 1: -
In this step we will cover trainer registration and a learner who also wants to register as a trainer as well.
models.py: -
views.py: -
urls.py: -
Now, we need to create two templates ‘trainer_registration.html’ and ‘learner_as_trainer.html’.
trainer_registraion.html: -
learn_as_trainer.html: -
Output: -
Now, Admin we will check trainer details through admin dashboard and verify it and give authorization to trainer.
Step 2: -
Course creation for authorized trainer.
models.py: -
forms.py: -
views.py: -
urls.py: -
Now, we need to create three html files ‘course_info.html’, ‘course_details.html’, ‘course_basic_details.html’.
course_info.html: -
Output: -
course_details.html: -
Output: -
course_basic_details.html: -
Output: -